Customer Stories

CRE Innovator The Swig Company Stays Comfy

Posted by The Comfy Team on June 15, 2016

The Swig Company is a privately owned, San Francisco-based real estate operator with a 75+ year history of investment, development, partnership and management of commercial real estate properties in major US markets. The Swig Company was an early adopter of Comfy, deploying Comfy in one of its buildings in San Francisco in 2014 and expanding into another building in Mountain View in 2015.

The Swig Company’s vertically-integrated operational platform, which includes investment, asset and property management expertise, uses flexibility, generational thinking and a sensitivity to sustainable practices to stay at the forefront of emerging trends in the commercial real estate industry. Jay Scholten, Vice President – Asset Management at Swig: "We're always asking ourselves, ‘how can we improve the performance of our properties and differentiate ourselves in competitive markets?’”

When asked why they're so excited about Comfy, Scholten elaborated, “In years past, we strived to achieve LEED certifications at our properties to help demonstrate our forward-thinking management approach. LEED is still a vital part of our strategy, though we have also looked for new ways to stay ahead of the curve. Comfy offers a unique opportunity to improve tenant engagement, wellness, and operational efficiency, while continuing to use the control systems that we already have in place.”

With advances in consumer technology and smart homes, the expectations that tenants have for their workplaces have also risen. Scholten emphasized the importance and challenges of communicating effectively with tenants and the need for more tenant-facing solutions: "We hear about new technologies all the time, but Comfy emerged as a very appealing way to improve operations and make tenants happier without requiring a costly capital upgrade." Comfy’s monthly subscription model means no upfront fixed fees nor extra equipment is required. At the same time, Comfy's occupant-facing interface that plugs into existing building systems provides tenants an immediate response, so Swig’s Comfy-enabled tenants see and feel a physical difference the moment they make a request and Swig realizes value from day one.

As a building operator, Swig is always seeking opportunities to improve operational efficiency. "HVAC complaints can be challenging to address, especially when there may be limited information to work from, " Scholten elaborates, "with Comfy, not only are we able to use input directly from the tenant’s individual employees, but Comfy also provides another set of trained eyes who know how to look at the data, what questions to ask, and how to follow up."

In addition, The Swig Company has also been able to successfully leverage data from both Gridium and Comfy to cross-reference information for the same building. According to Scholten, “by comparing energy data from Gridium and usage trends from Comfy, we were able to verify patterns, and even check for opportunities to change electricity rate schedules. We’re able to translate the information into our financial forecasting and budgeting, which increases our confidence that we are achieving our strategic goals for a property.”

We’re excited that Comfy is able to help The Swig Company meet its goals, by delivering on our promise of operational savings and an improved tenant experience. 

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